Jeff Field & Associates

How the Automatic Stay in Bankruptcy Provides a Safe Haven 

When debt becomes overwhelming, filing for bankruptcy can offer the debtor a fresh start. One of the most powerful aspects of bankruptcy is the automatic stay that immediately takes effect upon filing a bankruptcy petition. The stay acts as a shield against creditors, giving the debtor a much-needed refuge. 

These are the principal benefits of the automatic stay:

While the automatic stay offers significant protection, it’s not all-encompassing. Certain legal actions can still proceed despite the stay. These include actions to protect the creditor’s real estate property and proceedings related to child support or alimony payments. A qualified bankruptcy attorney will make sure you can take advantage of the full scope of the automatic stay.

Jeff Field & Associates in Scottdale guides Georgia residents through all phases of Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies. To schedule an appointment, call 404-381-1278 or contact us online.