Jeff Field & Associates

Protecting Your Retirement Assets in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy can be a daunting prospect, particularly when it comes to protecting your hard-earned retirement savings. While bankruptcy offers relief from overwhelming debt, the fear of losing retirement assets looms large for many individuals. Fortunately, the applicable laws give people struggling with debt the ability to safeguard their retirement nest egg as long as they make smart choices.  

Regardless of your age or employment status, you should not overlook your long-term needs even while dealing with immediate debt problems. Developing a personalized plan to maintain your retirement savings might involve several steps, such as:

Jeff Field & Associates provides personalized counsel to Georgia residents who are seeking bankruptcy protection, including advice on the best way to maintain existing retirement plans. For a free consultation regarding your situation and options, please call 404-381-1278 or contact us online